
Emily, an 18-year-old Easter Seals kid, has centronuclear myopathy which is a complex disability that caused her to live in a hospital until she was six-years-old.

Emily breathes with assistance from a ventilator and gets around by using a power wheelchair. Emily is determined to pursue a career in counselling and help others. Her first step is to do a double major in psychology and health sciences at University. She is able to do so thanks to support from an Easter Seals scholarship.

Easter Seals has played a big part in Emily’s success at university today. Earlier in her life, Emily’s family received financial assistance to modify their van which gets Emily to school every day. Spending time at Easter Seals camps in the summer helped her to develop friendships and confidence. “It’s important for me to advocate for people with disabilities,” says Emily. “People often assume we can’t do things or we’re not smart, but even if you have a disability you can do anything you just have to find a way.”

Emily says she still gets some looks around campus because she is in a chair and people notice that she is different, but she doesn’t worry about it because she says, “I’m just there to get a degree like everyone else.”

Emily is a prime example of what can be achieved with a little hard work and support. Easter Seals is here to offer as much support throughout the life of a child with a disability or medical condition, but we cannot do it without your help. Funds raised in Alberta go towards helping kids in Alberta. Please give what you can, make a donation today.