Megan Fachini

Megan is 24 years old and has Cerebral Palsy. She requires a power wheelchair for mobility. Her disability causes severe muscle spasticity which affects all aspects of daily living.

Megan lives in Strathmore, Alberta with her parents, two dogs and two cats. She would like to someday move away from home to live with friends and a service dog.

Megan does not allow her disability to get in the way of achieving her goals. She received her Education Assistant certification from Bow Valley College in June 2013. She is currently working and volunteering as an Education Assistant at two elementary schools.

Megan’s first experience with Easter Seals Alberta was when she was five years old. At that time, Easter Seals provided her with a wheelchair lift for the family van. Megan became re-involved with Easter Seals in 2011 when she first attended Camp Horizon. She has gone to camp every year since, and will continue to do so as long as they will have her! While Megan loves the activities and opportunities at camp, her favorite things are the unconditional acceptance and positive attitudes of everyone there.

Megan’s hope is that someday soon we will all learn to focus on our similarities rather than our differences.